Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Congress may snub Trump on wall, risking shutdown

US, South Korea to announce suspension of 'large scale' military drills this week

Trump ream predicts Mueller report soon ...

Nearly 220 Texas school districts allow school staff to be armed

Republicans give up on Medicare overhaul

Elon Musk tells employees that 'rascal improvements' are needed to hit quarterly targets

BOSTON GLOBE columnist suspended for fabrications ...

Trump: 'Sanctions will remain' while we work with NK to denuking

Trump: Pruitt has done a 'fantastic job,' but 'I'm not happy with certain things'

Why China 'holds all the aces' in a full-blown US-China trade war

N.Y. assembly passes single-payer health care ...

Spain's Socialist government vows to dismantle fences hindering migrants

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