Monday, May 21, 2018

The Great Divide

Hillary Clinton, looking down her nose, spoke at Yale's commencement over the weekend, saying that resilience will get her audience though Trump's tumultuous presidency  ... see: CNBC Article. What elitist pap! What pandering pettifoggery! This woman, abetted by the ivory-tower twits in New Haven, is basically reprising her snobbish "basket of deplorables" comment that lost her the last election. She and many in the robed crown there feel that they know more and feel more than the rest of us irredeemables.

This scene was, I'm sure, repeated numerous times with numerous liberal luminaries across America's campuses ... reassuring the graduates that they were better and smarter than those who had labored to set out the chairs and laundered the robes for these august ceremonies. They were assured that only they were the ones who could grasp the depth of the lefty platitudes being offered by these biggies. Some day they would become the speakers and honorary degree recipients in this never-ending cycle of our ruling class.

Just one problem. Donald Trump has opened the eyes of those who are unwashed to what a rotten job our elites like Hillary and Barack and George have been doing managing our country and our interactions with the rest of the world. They have noticed the "let them eat cake" attitude of their betters ... and have said "enough!" The battle lines in this great divide are forming. And, unless our puddin'-headed elites wake up, they will end up taking more lonely walks in the woods, calling the other half "Nazis" and consoling themselves with fine Chardonnay like that Chappaqua doyen.


  1. She did not lose the election because she called out the deplorable unwashed. She lost because of James Comey and the Russians who spread enough dis-information to sway the outcome. All your fictitious Trump-swabbing cannot change the facts. He is a bigger liar and thief than all the Clintons combined.

  2. What she actually said was: ""As hard as it is, this is a moment to reach across divides of race, class and politics," Clinton said. "To try to see the world through the eyes of people very different from ourselves and to return to rational debate, to find a way to disagree without being disagreeable, to try to recapture a sense of community and common humanity."
    You might take her message to heart.

  3. Except she and B.O. cultivated and fed of these divisions.

  4. The premise of your original post is just wrong. I challenge you to cite even one case where some Liberal elitist spoke at a graduation "...reassuring the graduates that they were better and smarter than those who had labored to set out the chairs and laundered the robes for these august ceremonies." Such a message would only come from the "Atlas Shrugged" fans, not from a Liberal or Progressive. Stop skimming and read the content!

    1. If you don't believe that Nillary is an elitist then you need some NODOZE ...

    2. I think 95% of politicians are elitist. As are some bloggers I know.

    3. Always with the shiv ...
