Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Pure Evil

Remember the South Carolina mother who pushed her car into a lake with her two children strapped inside? Pure evil!  MS-13 gruesome killings? A Muslim suicide bomber inside an Israeli pizza parlor? The Japanese Rape of Nanking? Mao's Great Leap Forward? The Khmer Rouge? The Armenian genocide? Stalin's purges? Hitler's Final Solution? All pure evil?

From whence comes all this evil? And will it ever subside?

Answers: Evil must be spread over our human genome ... and, thus, it  will always be with us.

Yes, religions are attempts to eliminate the dark side of our human nature. But most religions have also indulged in evil acts despite protestations to the contrary.

So are things hopeless?

Most likely ... and as population pressures increas, I think things are bound to get worse.

Sorry for being so frank ...

My suggestion: try to keep you and yours out of the way of such aberration  ...

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