Monday, May 28, 2018

Low IQ

I started writing the following blog, hoping to compare the relative violence between the police and unarmed black men:
In 2017 16 unarmed black men were killed by cops. This is the basis for the Black Lives Matter protests and agitation ... see: Quoted Washington Post story
Next I Googled something like "cops killed by black men" and kept getting references for black men killed by cops ... as though Google's search "algorithm" could not differentiate between a subject and a predicate ... not very bright. It was either that or the  Google search formula is skewed by a liberal agenda that is leading us nincompoops to references that agree with its politics. (Try it yourself.) Recent studies suggest that you only get truly unbiased Google search answers in the fourth page of results ... where no one ever goes.  This, to me, is very disturbing. It's like watching a baseball game with clearly rigged officiating.

So I then tried the same exercise on the Bing search site and got very similar results. Aarg! What does this suggest? It suggests that this thumb-on-the -scale search process is a Google vulnerability ... and, at some point ... possibly years away, it may be its undoing. That would be quite special.

Afterward: Even Google Images carries a political agenda. Guess who came up several times when I asked for images using "low IQ"? Try it yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Their algorithms are OK. Recast the question to reduce ambiguity:
    Black copkillers
