Saturday, May 05, 2018


Do Democrats want an anti-Trump, or their own Trump?

Feds tapped phones of Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen, and caught one from the White House: NBC News

Report: Mueller seeks 70 blank subpoenas ...

Hyperhype: Tesla stock plummets after investor conference call

Thinking the un unthinkable: What if Trump succeeds?

White House: China faces 'consequences' from militarization of South China Sea

Massive dust storm kills 100+ in India ...

Poll: Harvard faculty says Trump has dome a 'very poor job' as president

[Chris] Matthews: 'I'm not sure trust is what the American people want of Trump'

Rudy Giulliani says Trump's on-in-law Jared Kushner is 'disposable,' warns against investigating Ivanka

Americans receiving unemployment aid lowest since 1973 ...

Giuliani: Basis of Muellrt case 'dead'

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