Thursday, May 03, 2018


Rosenstein: Justice Department is not going to be extorted

Pelosi confident: Will be speaker again'

GOP plotting another Obamacare repeal

South Korea says it wants U.S.  troops to stay, regardless of any treaty with North Korea

Trump trade adviser: All countries exempted from steel tariffs will face quotas

65% of public school 8th graders not proficient in reading ... 67% not proficient in math ...

Condoleezza Rice to Donald Trump: Let the experts handle North Korea details

Facebook begins to rank news organizations ... Conservative voices eliminated ...

Seizure of Trump's medical records 'standard operating procedure' White House says

Mueller warns: may subpoena Trump

Macron: Violence, terror society's fault, 'not linked' to immigration

Kayne West sparks new outrage by calling slavery 'choice' ...

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