Monday, May 14, 2018


Advisers bad-mouth [DHS's] Nielsen as a 'never-Trumper'

North Korea vows to dismantle nuclear test site within weeks, invites press to watch

UN top nuclear inspector resigns suddenly ...

Oprah urges USC graduates to fight 'fake news'

Ryan rejects effort to force DACA vote

Tesla says top vehicle engineer Doug Field takes time off from Model 3 production woes

Dems ponder how to run against improving economy ...

Women's March leader blames Muslim ban, Mexican  wall on Netanyahu

Trump warns of 'very serious consequences' if Iran restarts nuclear program

McCain blasts Vladamir Putin as 'evil' in new book and faults Trump for being naive on Russia

Nursing homes, senior centers find bullying has no age limit ...

Optimism on direction of country hits 11-year high under Trump

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