Monday, May 07, 2018

Fish Heads

As John Kerry flits around the world trying to save the Iran nuclear deal, the questions arise, "Where is his wealthy wife, Theresa Heinz? Has anyone seen her is the last few years?"

Rumor has it that she is locked in the attic of one of her mansions being fed old fish heads and wilted beet greens. She never should have given John Francois access to her checking account and the  power of her attorney.


  1. How rude! John "flitting" around the world trying to reinforce a multi-national agreement he negotiated. And who should Theresa, whose health is precarious, assign to manage her wealth? What evidence is there that John is trashing her money. They sold the Nantucket house just last month so she is not 'locked' in that mansion.

    Anyhow, fish heads and wilted greens sounds rather like health food.

    1. I intend yo submit this post to "The Onion".

  2. Why? What is so fake-newsy about what I wrote?

  3. It was my post that was fake news ...Typo on my comment
