Monday, April 02, 2018

Future Imperfect

To return to my theme of egomaniacal architects designing monuments to themselves, the above is the  latest -- the Museum of the Future in Dubai ... see: Museum of the Future. I ask you -- is this an attempt by the architect to overshadow what the museum contains by the museum itself? Gilding the lily?

It is quite doubtful that our future will be so rolling in wealth, from oil in this case, that this extravagant of an edifice will become the template for many follow-on buildings of any flavor. I know I am not the final arbiter of aesthetics ... but, to me, this museum is a big donut.


  1. Hmmmmm.... Donuts....

  2. I checked it out. Says "New Temporary Exhibition to Open at the World Government Summit, February 11, 12 and 13th." That's Feb 2018... in the past. So it is the historic posting for the temporary exhibit of what does not yet exist. Whew!
