Sunday, April 15, 2018

Averting One's Eyes

I remember being perplexed at Democrats who made excuses for Bill Clinton back when he was going through his impeachment gauntlet. I still remember how disappointed I was with Senator John Glenn when he voted not to convict Bubba after he had been impeached.

Now, I find that I may be willing to let partisanship come before patriotism insofar as the Trump slow-motion coup by Mueller is concerned. I've already dismissed the Stormy Daniels affair and most of the other accusations of Trump misconduct. I seem willing to look the other way even if Trump was "mobbed up" in his New York City real estate business ... an almost certainty in the Manhattan swamp. And there are obviously questions about his company's finances ... witness his many IRS audits.

So, have I become that which I have previously decried? Certainly to a degree. But, on the other hand, Bill Clinton's erstwhile defenders have also flipped. In both cases, it seems the rationale is that the good outweighs the bad. I certainly applaud what Trump has been doing in his presidency and want him to finish his agenda ... as did Bubba's buddies back in the late 1990s.

Are both sides being hypocritical? Yes, but then isn't this how politics works? I wish it weren't so ...

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