Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Another Contrast

I have previously enjoyed comparing President Trump with his predecessor, Obama --- style vs. substance, process vs. politics, etc. Now I have another idea about how to draw this contrast and why Trump has generated so much anxiety and animosity among his opposition. This time the contrast has to do with visibility. Because of his continuous tweeting, President Trump is very much an open book regarding his positions and direction ... very likely why his base is so attracted to him.

In contrast,  a lot of President Obama's "fundamental change" was accomplished behind the bureaucratic curtain ... in the deep state. Yes, Obama did communicate well with his TelePrompter ... but it was mostly in his own kind of code. Much of his real intent was not on the surface. In fact, he also put forward much purposeful mendacity like Obamacare ... whereas, much of Trump's "lying" is indicative of his round-about decision process. It is an iterative process involving a series of zeroing in on his final policy. This process can be upsetting to those who don't believe that Trump's heart is right ... particularly when the media fans the foams of these anxieties.

To summarize in just a few words: Trump is up front with a nationalist populist agenda whereas Obama was folksily opaque with a globalist new-world-order objective.


  1. It’s the chaos. The executive branch of the USA is intended to be an “administration” not just an “administrator.” As Trump might say ‘There is ME in TEAM. It’s just backward.’

  2. Yo me, although he has false starts, Trump's activism is refreshing relative to Obama's passive (and opaque) management style.
