Friday, March 09, 2018

California, There You Go!

"California represents the future." -- Senator Kamala Harris

Our  once Golden State, Cali-not-for-ya, is coming apart at the seams with crushing homelessness, multitudinous genders, rampant drugs, uncontrolled annual wildfires, militant free-speech opponents, preventable droughts, massive numbers of illegal aliens (and concomitant voter fraud), fecal-paved streets, a middle-class exodus (U-Hauls leaving the state cost 15x more than those entering), a governor who giddyups on a moonbeam, prancing Hollywood effetes, officials attempting to nullify federal immigration laws, and numerous unctuous Silicone Valley lefty billionaires. All in all, this once glorious and beautiful state is rapidly becoming a festering third-world hellhole.

California has 1/8 of this country's population yet 1/3 of our welfare recipients. And despite some tremendously wealthy tech moguls, it has sadly become our nation's poorest state ... and is seemingly determined to continue to chart its own disastrous course ... even if this means departing from our American union. Perhaps the San Andreas fault might first accomplish this as a geographic reality

Afterward: I almost titled this posting "A Cryin' Shame."

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