Friday, February 23, 2018

Now It's Clear!

Yesterday it was revealed that one of Sheriff Israel's well-armed deputies, Scott Peterson, was stationed outside the Parkland, Florida high school as nutjob Nikolas Cruz spent 8 minutes killing 17 students and wounding 15 ... see: NY Times Article. This deputy did nor enter the school to confront Cruz and stop this mayhem. People are asking why not? I think I have discovered the answer ...

This deputy must have been waiting for stronger gun control laws to be enacted! This may also be the reason for the lack of preventative action by Sheriff Israel, the FBI and the many layers of local Broward County authorities.

Now, it's clear!


  1. What's clear to me is that a bunch of good guys with guns that hide outside in the bushes is useless in so very many ways.

    1. Peterson will live out his life under a cloud of shame. He now has 5 cops guarding his home. If someone comes after this coward, will they hide too?

    2. He is now known as the "Browatd coward" ,,,

    3. They don't say what kind of weapon the deputy had. If he was toting a Glock 9 mm pistol, he might have felt outgunned. The wounds from an AR-15 round are often fatal due to the velocity of the bullet and the rapid speed of fire. That is why we call it a military type weapon.
      I feel bad for the guy. He may have frozen. But no one has the right to bandy around the label "coward" unless they have faced the barrel of a gun and acted bravely themselves.

    4. Apparently now it was four of them who hid outside and listened to 17 children being slaughtered. I haven't faced this kind of threat, yes. But I would hope that, if I did, I would behave better. Feeling sorry for policemen who won't do their job is one reason we have these awfol slaughters.

    5. So now *empathy* is one of the reasons we have this slaughter, but not GUNS? NRA's Lapierre has gone postal on this issue -- I predict huge sustained backlash and replacement of NRA-funded pols in coming elections.

    6. And Sheriff Israel will be reelected in a landslide? I think you might be a little tone deaf as to what is happening here ...

    7. Pot calling the kettle tone deaf...In case you cannot hear it, that shuffling sound is big companies backing away from NRA affiliations and pension fund investors dumping their Gun stocks.

    8. Cadet Bone Spurs knows all about bravery. He thinks arming teachers is the answer...because a teacher armed with a pistol would stop a body armored intruder with a semiautomatic rifle and large capacity ammo clip.

    9. Did Cruz have body armor and large capacity clips? How about professional school security AND a few trained teachers as back-up?

      Cadet Bone Spurs IS brave enough to stand up to the FBI ... a very dangerous opponent ... as many have discovered.
