Sunday, February 25, 2018


John Lennon wrote a hymn to a perfect world where peace prevailed  and there were no borders defining countries ... see: Imagine lyrics. Clearly, Lennon's vision of utopia must have had some influence on world politics in the years that followed ... particularly in the European Union.

Fast forward some fifty years to the presidential election of 2016 and let's do some more imagining. Can we picture what our country would be like if Hillary Rodham Clinton had been elected? Who would likely be the primary players in her administration? Ben Rhodes? Susan Rice? Jonathan Gruber? James Comey? Sidney Blumenthal? John Brennan? John Kerry? Donna Brazile? John Podesta? James Clapper, Cheryl Mills? Maybe even Bill Clinton himself?

Imagine what the Supreme Court would look like? The FBI? The Department of Justice? The IRS? The EPA? The State Department? The Defense Department? Our representative to the UN? The regulation environment? Even the Clinton Foundation and all its tentacles might still exist ... as might the ISIS caliphate?

We would still be bending over for the environmentalists in the Paris Accord ... or maybe going even further. There would be no tax cuts or a rollback of the Obamacare individual mandate. We would still be in the TPP (no matter what Hillary said during her campaign). We would be even further along toward true open borders and unlimited immigration from third world countries. Jerusalem would not be recognized as the capital of Israel. Economic growth would still be anemic along with the stock market.

There would have been no exposure of all the (illegal?) Democrat shenanigans that took place during the presidential campaign. We would likely have a Democrat Senate and maybe even the House. North Korea and China would still have us kowtowed. Companies would not be bringing their factories back onshore. And many more positive developments would not have occurred.

We would be living in even more of a dystopia than Barack Obama saddled us with. Maybe Ted Nugent should pen a new version of "Imagine?"


  1. Ann Coulter11:06 AM

    Sounds good to me.

  2. Imagine there's no EPA
    It's easy if you try
    No clean water below us
    Above us, only yellow sky

    1. Or yellow water from the Gold King mine? Or fudged climate data to suit Obama's agenda?

    2. FYI Nixon initiated the EPA in 1970. A lot of GOP and Dem Presidents have supported it all these nearly 50 years.

    3. Clean air and water are good things that the EPA can do. But Ovama weaponized this agency, like so many others, to push his liberal agenda. It needs to return to basics and do just those things (like fixing the Flint water supply).

    4. How do you weaponize the EPA?

    5. I see now. Those annoying environmental cleanups after extracting resources plus those nasty Superfund sites. Being cozy with the coal, oil and mineral industries clarifies how the government should act, not the hippy goals of those pesky voters.

    6. Do you seriously believe Repunlicans want to poison the water and air for Americans ... at least half of which are their voters?

    7. You weaponized the EPA by having them establish regulations that help yout fiends and hurt your enemies. And have them change raw climate data to satisfy your anti-fossile fuel policies.

  3. I'll have what you're drinking.
