Monday, February 26, 2018

Gun Control

Governor Rick Scott of Florida and President Trump both have proposed raising the age requirement to buy "assault weapons," like the AR-15, to 21. (Governor Scott would include all guns.) This age would match the current age limit for the use of alcohol and pot ... but  not for drivers' licenses (16), voting (18) or serving in the military (18).

Now, I think this AR-15 stricture may be a good idea ... and I also think that the three other lower age limits should be re-examined:

- Nobody should bee allowed to vote before 21 ... and they should also be able to name all three branches of our government.

- No one should be able to drive before 21 .... unless of course they are driving Teslas.

- The age for military service can stay at18 as long as such recruits are limited to using broomsticks as weapons until they are 21.

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