Friday, February 09, 2018

From the Left

From New Yorker magazine

Is the parade to be about Trump or about America? The smug, yet ever-humble Left is positive that they know his true motivation ...


  1. If you had been in the military you would know that marching in a parade sucks. You have to spit shine your boots, iron your clothes, stand around for hours and then march for hours. You can't take a latrine break or even sit down. Spend the money on Veterans services. We don't need to look like 1930's Germany just to entertain the Fuher.

    1. I'n constantly amazed how libs (and conservatives) always seem to line up on the same side of most issues. I bet you want open borders too.

    2. It makes me smile when you respond to my pithy comments with mere cotton candy. BTW, you lose the bet on the border - but, why start dealing with fact or truth when it ruins your hope that bread and circus will distract the people from the daily disaster in the White House.

    3. Actually I think some soldiers are proud to spit shine their shoes and parade for their country.

    4. "I bet you want open borders too." Not me, coach. I have always been in favor of sensible immigration policies and tighter border controls. I do not support sanctuary cities, nor chain migration. I do not think we should print government documents in any language other than English.

    5. Alvin York, Audie Murphy

  2. How about the moderates? You could say they ride the fence or they are indecisive. Actually they don’t look to their Dear Leader to decide what to think. It is simplistic to say that our team believes in A B C while the other team believes in XYZ. It is OK to believe in A some X and C.

    In the current set if events, the math is easy. Veterans services instead of parades Infrastructure like bridges and trains instead of a big beautiful wall. Domestic agenda instead of global military hegemony. Clean water and air instead of unshackled corporate profits.

  3. Gosh! Little Rocket Man had a big beautiful military parade just yesterday that included pom poms and colored cards displayed precisely by thousands of citizens that showed their reverence for their extraordinarily strange nation. Why can’t the USA be more like that with a bigger and better and longer parade that shows the loyalty of ten if thousands of people to their leader?

  4. We could save tons of money by eliminating all the Fourth of July pomp and fireworks shows around the country too. I suspect this current dust-up is secretly all about the fact that we would be lauding our military ... a no-no on the left.o

  5. And why have flags flying all over the place or put up a national Xmas tree? This money could be used to build mosques or buy more tents for the L.A. homeless.

  6. One last thought: I think the government's job is "bread AND circus" ... not "bread OR circus" ...
