Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Founding Fathers' Wisdom

Our founding fathers realized that allowing children to set public policy was quite unwise. That is why, when writing our Constitution, they set the age requirement for our president at 35, senators at 30 and representatives at 25. It seems to me that this latter stricture should also be applied to voters. All the sophomoric nonsense now being championed at our universities does nothing but reinforce this notion. As does the fact that now social media has revealed how shallow and self-absorbed many of our current younger generation of snowflakes either are or will become.

Maturity doesn't always come with age ... but it helps.


  1. Seems to me that the people being slaughtered have a right to have a voice. The founding were wise yet mysogynistic, slave-holding, racist, philandering drunkards.

    Strict constructionists need to sense modernity. The muslim strict constictionists are trying to enforce seventh century standards. Many of their principls are common to the Bible such stoning adulterers but Christians have the good sense to accept modern standards and laws.

    As to the young people campaigning for change, the leadership held by seventy and eighty year old relics need to cede to leaders somewhere between their age and the youth who will inherit all this

  2. Yes, skulls full of mush have the right to rant ... as I needn't lend too much to their virtue signaling. And yes, we need new blood in our politics ... but not 16 year olds.

  3. Out of the mouths of babes...common sense #ItsTheGunsStupid

  4. White privlege, safe spaces, black lives (only) matter, etc. Lots of mostly rejurgitated pablum ...

  5. i think you meant “black olives matter”. I know that your wife prefers the one cured in brine over the ones cured in oil.

  6. You are getting the signal and noise conflated. These students are not looking to be legislators, just responsible citizens. Teens that cannot buy a beer or vote or buy cigarettes or buy alcohol... can buy a rifle that shoots lots of bullets from high capacity clips. How about if you had to be 25 to buy any gun and 30 to buy an AR-15?

    1. Older teens do hunt. Can they use a gun to hunt that was bought by their parent s? If so, I could go along with the 25 age limit for purchasing an AR-15.

    2. Yes, parents or guardians can be the registered owners of guns their children use.

  7. BTW these youngins have parents and grandparents and teachers that are impressed with their enthusistic effort to make a difference by apppealing peacefully to their elected leaders.

    1. But too often their emotion rules. Sober judgment is often missing ... as it is with many lolder iberals.

    2. Here's a solution: Get a pussy-grabbing TV reality show star, who doesn't read, has a tenuous grip on facts, and who thinks he is always the smartest guy in the room --and make him POTUS. Oh wait, we already did that. The founding fathers did not see that coming...

    3. Nor a one-sided media willing to lie for money ...

  8. So we return to the quadrant of old conservatives as the singular source of truth, judgement, and wisdom. I suppose that seems right if you are an old conservative.

    1. Sometimes I agree with liberals ... but more so in the past than lately. Is it because I am getting older or that they (eg., Pelosi) are getting dumber?

    2. Charting your position, you are strongly up and strongly to the right.
