Tuesday, February 06, 2018

A Page Turner

If Carter Page was an FBI person of interest back in 2013 for his ties to Moscow (who called him an "idiot") ... and who was the impetus for four consecutive 3-month FISA warrants (mostly based upon the phony Fusion GPS dossier) ... requesting to surveil Page and, presumably, the rest of the Trump posse. (These FISA warrants should be made public.)

Consequently, why has Page not then be indicted as a spy or for his "collusion" with Putin? Did nothing ever turn up during these 12 months of surveillance (spanning Trump's election)? And McCabe also testified to the House Intel Committee that the dossier was instrumental in getting the FISA warrents. This recording should also be made public.

Although I think that seeing these 4 declassified FISA warrants is essential to understanding the shadowy back and forth in this FBI deep-state intrigue .... it seems that my above question already suggests what will be found therein.

And yes, I believe the Democrat response memo should be vetted, scrubbed of sources and methods, and then be made public. FLASH: The House Intel Committee just unanimously voted to release the Democrat memo after it has be scrubbed of any intelligence issues. (The vote on the Republican memo was strictly along party lines.) This memo will probably create more fog ... even more reason to release all this other information.

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