Saturday, January 27, 2018


Trump proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million immigrants

Grassley releases Strzok-Page texts showing FBI was deliberately 'pulling punchs' in Clinton probe

Well water levels change in Florida -- after Alaska quake?

Erdogan: Kurds are 'collaborators in a postmodern crusade'

Rubio rejects bipartisan immigration gang

Weinstein sued again, this time furor allegedly making his assistant clean up his s semen

NKorea to hold military parade day before Olympics ...

Food stamp participation in Florida soars by 2.5 million in one month

Trump: I would be up for reentering TPP under better terms

Tesla employees detail problems with Model 3 battery production and quality control

NYT: Trump ordered Mueller fired, but backed off

John Kerry: I might challenge Trump in 2020

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