Friday, January 19, 2018


[Sen.] Flake rankles fellow Republicans with Trump takedowns

Few large US companies say they will use tax savings to boost wages, CNBC survey funds

CNN predicts president heart attack ...

Trump threatens big fine against China for intellectual property theft

Trump: 'I've lost all trust in Durbin'

As Americans wake up to being lied to, support for Trump's tax plan soars

Koreas agree to form first joint Olympic team, march together in opening ceremony ...

Winning: Apple announces $350 billion investment in U.S. economy, 20,000 new jobs

Trump: 'Russia is not helping us at all with North Korea'

CNN wins big time in Trump's Fake News Awards

Movie theater attendance hits 24-year low ...

McConnell: Senate will consider immigration bill 'as soon as we figure out' what Trump supports

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