Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Gender Politics

Reading the Mostly Cajun blog yesterday, the comparison was made between the reigns of Ivan the Terrible and Barry the Pussy. This slight got me to thinking about how our national psyche has quickly flipped from female-oriented to male-oriented. Whatever he is, Donald Trump is not a wuss. In contrast, mot only did Obama seem reluctant to wear the pants in his family, but he constantly played the apologists for America's past assertiveness. Argue with this conclusion if you will, but Barack's sexuality often seemed more feminine than masculine. This was uncomfortable for many of our citizens.

Obama's movements often seemed dainty. His policies were frequently reserved instead of assertive. His instincts were often emotional instead of logical. These are typically thought of as feminine traits. And his end-of-term tilt toward transsexuals (bathrooms, Chelsea Manning commutation, allowing them in the Army, etc.) reinforced this perception among many voters. And Hillary's promise that she would continue to tilt the country further toward the X-X gender didn't help her electability IMHO.

Perhaps Trump won the nomination because he was the most masculine of the primary contestants ... and, although the gender-identification differential was not as great, the same could be said for the general election. In other words, bottom line, Hillary may have lost BECAUSE she was a she. To me, it seemed Americans wanted a more assertive administration and has certainly gotten it. Now, the "resistance" mania by the pussy-hatted females, metrosexuals and the #Metoo crowd reinforces this theme that it is a lot  about gender politics. It is crying out, "It was our turn, dammit!" ... not realizing that they had just had their  turm.