Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Social Injustice

Much of my current discomfort with social justice warriors (reference: Social Justice) stems from the fact that there is a diminishing supply of major social injustices ... causing these zealots to inflate lesser problems to look more ominous than they really are ... examples: white privilege, global warming, safe spaces, secondhand smoke, gender inequality, etc.


  1. Why not just stop noticing them? I do not follow the follies, publications, or activities of Westboro Baptist "Church", the white supremacists, or the neo-Nazis. Works for me. No discomfort.

  2. Hard to stop noticing the ones I mentioned ... they are pretty vocal. I have never supported the ones you note. Although "white supremacist" seems to me to be bandied about almost like the n-word and well may be a racial slur. No?

  3. Zealots are "pretty vocal" because Fox News, Breitbart, Powerline, and such as well Obama, Clintons, Bill Maher and John Oliver obsess over the SJW (which used to mean 'single Jewish woman'!). They need to focus on the way forward not the past or the sidebars. Trump needs to focus.

  4. Aha! So even you are declaring that you are a moderate.

  5. I munged up my edit above. It should be: Zealots are "pretty vocal" because Fox News, Breitbart, Powerline, and such obsess over the SJW (which used to mean 'single Jewish woman'!) as well as Obama, Clintons, Bill Maher and John Oliver.

  6. There is quite a bit of space between a moderate and a Nazi ... I think I fit in there nut I am not a goose stepper.
