Monday, December 18, 2017

My Pillow

Japanese My Pillow

If I see one more "My Pillow" commercial I think I will throw a Hillary ashtray through the TV screen. I don't know if you know the price for this piece of foam rubber, but it costs $100. Even if you get 2 for 1, it clearly is so expensive that this company can saturate our airways with "The best darn thing in the whole wide world. It's My Pillow(dot)com."

Searching around for some relief from this dreck, my son put me onto the following tidbit. You know him almost as well as your dipso Uncle Harry. I'm talking about CEO Dave Lindell who spent a year developing My Pillow and who interjects himself into almost every evening TV moment telling us how much better we will sleep on his American-made piece of foam rubber.

But there is a seedier side to this story. While Lindell was developing his Golden Goose, he was a heavy cocaine and crack cocaine user. Finally in 2008, amazingly his drug dealers staged an intervention and helped Lindell break his habit ... see: Salvation Army Story. This is quite an inspiring tale ... and it almost makes me want to buy one of these My Pillows to honor this man's recovery from addiction.



  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    The pillows price is $49.00/each.

    1. My wife saw them in a store for $100@. Just went on their website. BOGO offer was $79.95 ($159.95 retail value).King size is extra.

  2. I see 79.95 for buy one get one free. That’s $40 each. I like mine. and you can throw it in the washer and dryer with no special handling. Made in the USA is not always the cheapest way to go.

    1. I still bet that gross margins are 90% ... allowing something like 50 basis points to pay for these obtrusive ads. Maybe a $20 price?

  3. Made in t he USA ain't always cheap. See,/product-features,/4547/cat.html

  4. Here you go!,804490794
