Saturday, December 30, 2017


Like any human, Trump has his share of flaws. One that is beginning to disturb me is the premium he places on the loyalty of his subordinates. He said recently that he admired Eric Holder for his unflinching loyalty to President Obama ... through thick and thin ... see: Business Insider Story. Now this offhand remark might be a consequence of the hounding he has been subjected to by the slow-motion coupe attempted by the gang of Hillary and the deep state, but it still suggests that Holder's participation in and cover-up of illegal activities is OK with The Donald because of Holder's extreme loyalty.

I suppose I might be too much of a purist, but when illegal activities are tolerated and swept under the carpet, then the possible severe consequences of these evil deeds can easily escalate into a holocaust ... as we saw in Germany just eighty years ago. Not only did Holder (and Loretta Lynch) likely brake the law out of loyalty, but the miasma that arose from these misfeasances has tainted the Justice Department for years to come.

So please, President Trump, give us peons at least the notion that things will be on the up and up during your time in the White House. And give Jeff Sessions a pat on the back for trying to do the right thing as out chief law enforcer. Perhaps his recusal example might cause our next AG to also do the honorable thing when the stakes might be even higher. President Trump, if your nose is clean in this Russian matter, I believe that the American people will see through any attempt to run you out of town on a rail. They did somehow know to elect you over that much bigger danger.

1 comment:

  1. I get it that Trump cuts corners. But his dishonesty pales next to the Clinton crime family ... and Obama's sleezy corrupt administration. Sometimes, when starving, you eat worms instead of cow pies. Yum, yum!
