Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Euclidean Proof

Theorem: Trump has already shown himself to be a better president than Obama (or, by extension,  Hillary)

Postulate: Trump's policies, in almost every arena, are diametrically opposed to Obama/Hillary's

Axiom: The American Judiciary is returning to its Constitutional role of interpreting the laws

Axiom: GNP growth under Trump is better than 3% vs. under 2% with Obama

Axiom: The American stock market (Dow) is up 7,000 points (38%) since Trump's election

Axiom: Unemployment is at historic lows despite many more workers entering the labor force

Axiom: The ISIS caliphate in Iraq and Syria has finally been obliterated

Lemma: Increasingly, America is reestablishing its global leadership and hegemony

Axiom: First major tax overhaul in 31 years

Axiom: There has been a dramatic drop in government regulations

Axiom: Illegal immigration is down while deportations of criminals is way up

Lemma: Unfavorable trade agreements are being renegotiated

Axiom: The U.S. military and nuclear arsenal are being revitalized

Ergo: Being that his policies are the anthisis of Obama's, Trump's winners have been far better for America than Obama's or would-be Hillary's.


  1. True sophistry. Most of your axioms are just unsupportable opinions designed to denigrate two people you hate.

    1. Didn't you ever take Euclid? Axioms are axiomatic, Lemmas are opinions ...

    2. I dropped advanced math in the 12th grade and never went back. But I took Logic and axioms are supposed to be assumed truths. Yours had holes big enough to drive a truckload of Mexicans through.

    3. Lemmas are weaker than axioms. Please show me which assumed truths are wrong. (You can argue with the lemmas.)

  2. First off: It is "theorem" not "theorum".
    Item: The judiciary. Did you see the dunce that was being appointed as a federal judge despite zero courtroom/trial experience?
    Item: The British RAF, the Russians, and the Iraqi military all boast of contributions to the fall of the ISIS caliphate... basically by making cities like Raqqa utterly uninhabitable.
    Item: Not sure about the global leadership and hegemony. Our allies feel that we are being noisome loners with big sticks and a hair trigger temper.
    Item: Our military does not need revitalizing. Our domestic infrastructure does. And how much of a nuclear arsenal does any country need?
    ERGO: The jury is still out. A market correction is overdue, the impact of the tax revisions are not certain, and some initiatives like the wall and infrastructure are drifting around.

    1. You seem to celebrate the return of the Dubya style swagger with hands poised over six guns, ready to dish out some shock and awe.

    2. Trump gloats. I just like not being wrong. (Bush '43 didn't know his limits.)

    3. Not being wrong is a level or three below being right.

    4. I thought that the "excluded middle" disappeared under Obama ...
