Saturday, December 16, 2017

Dirty Money

POLITICAL RULES: There are no rules in politics ...

Activist lawyer Lisa Bloom, daughter of that professional perv pursuer Gloria Allred, took it upon herself last fall to corral a bevy Donald Trump's sexual impropriety accusers ,,, to try to sway last year's election. And she did rope in a number of apparently reluctant accusers. However, in order to overcome their shyness, she offered some soiled money incentive ...  collected from wealthy liberals anxious to see Hillary win. These women  accusers were given or offered anywhere from $30,000 to $750,000 to relate their emotive sexual encounters to the national media in hopes of submarineing Trump's chances ... see: The Hill Story to understand how this sliminess worked back then. (Three of these accusers have reemerged recently to try to Harvey-Weinstein Trump. I wonder if they are getting a second round of financing?)

This pelf was so dirty one could barely read its numbers ...

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