Sunday, December 24, 2017

Counter Intelligence

It increasingly appears that President Obama had politicized our three major intelligence agencies -- the FBI, the CIA and the NSA  -- and these agencies were actively engaged in trying to defeat Donald Trump in his bid to be elected president ... and, once elected, to delegitimize his presidency. John Hinderaker of the Powerline blog has done a very effective job of proving this unnerving charge ... read: his arguments HERE. Take the time to study it. It's important.

These revelations sent chills up my spine as they should for any American who cares for the dignity and integrity of our government. Yes, politicians often cut corners to stay in power. But the scope and sheer magnitude of what has been occurring for the last 18 months goes well beyond political gamesmanship ... and into the realm of nasty criminality.

Our intelligence agencies have sometimes served us poorly in the past that they have been diverted from their primary task of "intelligence" and into political dog fights. Once these agencies start behaving in public like partisan hacks ... like they did under B.H.O. (and to some degree under other presidents) ... then they have been compromised to the point of diminished effectiveness in their primary duties ... for which the U.S. is bound to have paid a price. These agencies should rarely be publically seen or heard ... and mever as political.

Let's face it, with all their resources, intrigue and subterfuge, they still couldn't even get Hillary elected ...

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