Monday, January 01, 2018

2018 Predictions

Every year, as part of a group of friends' New Years festivities, I (and others) make some predictions for the coming year. Here are my latest forecasts:

 Republicans will retain the Senate, modest losses in the House

 Economy will soar ... up almost 4%, stock market, flat to slightly down

 Mexican wall will be at least half completed

 Mueller will end things with a whimper ... no convictions due to tainted process and evidence

Big infrastructure bill will be overwhelmingly enacted

Tesla Motors' stock will be at least halved

Russia will cooperate with Trump on Iran and NKorea ...

Iran and Turkey will erupt in violent protests

RIP: Bush 41, Jimmy Carter,  John McCain, Leonard DiCaprio

US Treasury will issue its own electronic (crypto)currency

ISIS will be blamed for at least 10 terror attacks worldwide

NKorea will implode ... Kim disappears

Taliban suffers big losses in Afghanistan

Huge Nationalist movements throughout Europe


  1. My Predictions:
    1. Publishers clearing house executives are charged with fraud when it is revealed that no prizes were ever awarded.
    2. Some one figures out what Bitcoin is.
    3. Al Franken is appointed by the Governor to replace himself in the US Senate. He retains his pension and committee posts. Gov. says, "You're good enough, you're smart enough and doggonnit, people like you."
    4. Blogger George Potts finally changes his position on global warming, moves farther inland, but everyone groans when he starts blogging about how flat the Earth is.
    5. "Dick!" A new musical based on the life of Richard Nixon debuts on Broadway. It flops, and sparks a viral bevy of hilarious penis jokes on social media.
    6. George Bush senior is sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty to patting women's rear ends during photo shoots. He dies on the bus to the jailhouse, with a smirk on his face.
    7. Kanye West is stabbed to death by Taylor Swift on stage as he tries to take away her mike at the 2018 VMA awards. She stabbed him in the neck with a small knife she had hidden in her dress. No charges were filed. The DA said it looked like an accident.
    8. A man in Lansing, Michigan switches to GEICO and only saves 7%.
    9. Trump gets punched in the face when he tries to shoulder a diplomat from Moldovia aside at a photo shoot. Secret service bodyguards do nothing, claiming they were "on break."

    1. Brilliant ! Kudos to you and/or your writing staff.

    2. Agreed ... all except for that cynical tripe about global warming.
