Monday, November 27, 2017


Suggestion: Never-Trumpers ... particularly virulent never-Trumpers ... in order not to appear as hypocrites ... should take all of the financial gains that they have enjoyed in their IRAs, 401Ks, stock portfolios, etc. since Trump was elected ... and donate these monies toward reducing our national debt ...



  1. OK i will donate my 1 year gains, when Obama haters (like you) give back all the market gains of the previous 8 years. Goose-gander fairness.

    1. There is a huge difference. During the Obama years the Federal Reserve Bank injected $30 trillion of new money into the economy. Now it is removing liquidity.

    2. So it isn't about the President; it's about the Fed?

    3. Do you not believe that an extra $30 trillion sloshing around our economy would make the stock market go up? So the O man was swimming down stream. The fed is now pulling $billions out every month ... so the T man is swimming up stream. Capeesch?

    4. Just checked the numbers. Actually the Fed added $3.8 trillion of liquidity to the US economy during Obama's reign. Now it is reducing this liquidity by$50 billion per month. If Trump can make our economy hum against this headwind, he really deserves credit.

    5. You have such a way with words ...

    6. You missed a key piece of news: One of the code talkers at that meeting said that, during the war when they parachuted out of a plane, the Army required them to say "Geronimo". They weren't insulted then and they aren't insulted now. So who's the dickhead?
