Saturday, November 18, 2017

Seismic Shift

A seismic shift seems to be occurring in American politics. There has been a traditional  rivalry between our Republicans and our Democrats. These battle lines were so well defined that,when a Democrat president took sexual advantage of a young female intern under him, the rest of his party looked the other way. In fact, his political views so eclipsed his bad behavior that he left office a demi-hero ... ready to capitalize handsomely both monetarily and physically on this adoration.

But events of the last few months seem to have changed this calculus. A tsunami of male on female sexual exploitations in the entertainment and political orbits have caused many die-hard Democrat women and media types to rethink their indulgence directed toward this decades-ago randy Arkansan. The working assumption of course is that, in these recent trysts,  the male is always the aggressor.

Now, both Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and sigher Mika Brzizenski remarkably have said that American women were wrong to paper over Bill Clinton's dalliances ... and he should have resigned from office ... which, of course, would have dramatically changed the events of the ensuing decades. To me, this change in attitude by these two super feminists (and many n the media) indicates that the fault lines are now between the sexes and not between the old political parties.

Taken to its natural conclusion, this suffrage victory might be such that a future presidential election would be a contest between the Vaginan party and the Macho party ... or maybe the XX's and the XY's. In the battle of the sexes, the exes are clearly winning.


  1. You left out paragraph 2:
    After a calming 16 years of Republican and then Democrat Presidents who seemed to avoid any such bad behavior, a Republican who admitted to bad behavior attested to by many women was elected President. And as bad behavior emerged from the swamps (East and West Coast), the President has endured as an upstanding family man of high morals.

    1. I don't doubt that Trump may have had his dalliances ... but I'm not sure he ever admitted to them ...

    2. Play the tape with Billy Bush.

    3. On Nov. 2 last year (right before election) the Huffington Post reported that Trump had raped a 13 year-old girl. Add that arrow to your quiver ...

    4. Huff post allegation is irrelevant to your point. Trump did brag about assaulting women on the Billy Bush tape. Why can't you see this as an admission. BTW, they fired Billy Bush.

    5. If you (and Hullary) can pick and choose what is important news, why can't I?

  2. Where are the accusers? You could get him to give you a bundle to shutup... or not. Where are they?

    1. And I thought that I was a conclusion jumper ...
