Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Perv Country

Two more male celebrities have entered the Conga line of pervs snaking through the halls of shame. Now Matt Lauer and Garrison Keillor have been fired from their media jobs for sexual improprieties. Can I count the names? Weinstein, Bill Clinton, Conyers, Bill O'Reilly, Ted Kennedy, Michael Kennedy, Al Franken, Charlie Rose, Kevin Spacey, Oliver Stone, AnthonyWeiner, Mark Halpern, the Affleck brothers, etc., etc. These are just the ones who have been verified as being pervs. Yes, Donald Trump, Joe Biden and Roy Moore have been accused but the charges against them are still unverified.

But the ones who have been fully outed, almost all seem to have one thing in common ... they are shrill liberal feminists ... male metrosexuals ... more than willing to denounce anyone across the aisle who looks cross-eyed at a woman. Me thinks that they doth protest too much. You can cut their holier-than-thou hypocrisy with a dull butter knife.

But the thing that has me puzzled is ... why only males? Surely some high-powered women have engaged in sexual shenanigans. The questions are who and how many? Here are my wild guesses for the first female pervs: Anna Wintour of Vogue Magazine, Maxine Waters of Congress, Carly Fiorina once of Hewlett Packard, Megyn Kelly of NBC, Martha Stewart of PBS, Nancy Pelosi of Congress, Lena Dunham of "Girls,"  Ariana Huffington once of HuffPo, and, yes, Hillary Clinton once our Secretary of State (outed by Huma?). Kind readers, feel free to add your speculations to this perv country ...


  1. Other than Bill Clinton (trial), Weiner (conviction) and Franken (photo evidence of juvenile behavior), the others are all allegations that are being judged by popular conjecture. Now you are taking this a step further to make wild guesses at who is a pervert. Maybe such news items should be published by a qualified Salem Witch Trial judge.

    1. Are you including Trump in those being tried in the media?

  2. What fun! Call anyone a pervert based on really nothing!!! Ruin a career just for seeding the perv accusation!!

    Here are a few. The Chairman on Iron Chef. Guy Fieri. Madonna. Angela Merkel. Kim Jong Un. Ayotollah Khomeni. Charlie Sheen. Oprah. Jerry Springer. Larry Ellison. Johnny Depp. ... The only rule is that they have to be alive else you cannot really take them down.

    1. I doubt if my speculation will sink anyone's career. But I am curious who the first female perv will be ... or will this be another red line?

  3. Steve Bannon. But he has proven that you can take him down but you cannot ruin him because he thrives on chaos and destruction.

    1. He also runs an Internet news site ... equivalent to buying ink by the barrel ...
