Monday, November 27, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which from the Drudge Report?

Republicans flee from McConnell in 2018 primaries

DOJ deals blow to liberals, okays appointment to lead finance regulator

Trump and TIME dispute 'Person of the Year' plans ...

David Brooks: Blames Trump for 'polluting our national culture'

Van driver tries to cut into Trump's presidential motorcade

Dem insider says his party's list of POTUS candidates is chock full of divas

Battle erupts over control of Manson's remains, estate ...

Report: Self-driving cars will have to decide who dies during crash

Want to know why Roy Moore might win? Blame the media.

Florida jury's verdict thrown out because they weren't tested for homophobia

George H.W. Bush becomes longest living president in history ...

Centuries-old [English] church bells silenced after single complaint

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