Thursday, November 23, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which from Politico?

Trump cedes Syrian post-war planning to Putin

Military transgender ban halted by federal court

California struck with 134 tremors in WEEK on San Andreas fault ...

Sarah Silverman: 'Fell in love' with Trump supporters while traveling country

Uber reveals yearlong cover-up of major data breach

US turns 100 [Somali] Al Qaeda  unto pink mist

David Cassidy dead at 67 ...

Trump: Congress should release the names of lawmakers who settled sexual harassment claims

[Sen.] Murkowski says she backs Obamacare mandate repeal

Economic growth would not pay for Senate tax cuts, analyst says

BRAZILE: 25 [Democrat] candidates in 2020 ...

Poll: 60% of U.S. women sexually harassed

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