Saturday, November 04, 2017


Blast from the Past

All from Internet news sites. Guess which from Politico?

Trump urges DOJ to investigate Hillary Clinton

McCain aide who handled Trump dossier is accused of dodging supoena

Update: Plague outbreak 'crisis point' ... cases soar ...

Conservative, anti-mass migration parties see surge in popular support in Poland, Hungary

Lawmakers: Carter Page is withholding documents in their Russian probe

House votes to abolish Obamacare 'death panels'

Prince William warns there are too many people in world ...

Western powers tense as Xi vows recovery from China's 'century of humiliation'

Opposites agree: Trump, Warren say Democrat primary was tigges

DNC fires finance director after abysmal fiscal year

Poll: 50% of mellaniels would rather live in socialist, communist countries ...

Trump: NYC terror suspect 'point of contact' for 23 additional immigrants

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