Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Folk Logic

"Too big for one's britches" -- I love this bit of folk logic ... describing someone whose ego is so large that it is making the decisions. This Roy Moore imbroglio has exposed hundreds with this puffed-up malady... John McCain, Mitch McConnell, the Washington Post, the RNC, Mitt Romney and most of the stage prancers in Washington. The only rational voice in all this cacophony of phonies is Pat Buchanan who says, "Let the people of Alabama decide."

This is a sensible solution to a nonsensical situation. When there is a he-said, she-said stand-off, I don't believe that it should be resolved by the hysterical national media ... particularly a media so obviously biased. The people of Alabama know Judge Roy Moore and, if they want him as their senator, then the rest of the swamp should shut up and say, "So be it."

The Harvey Weinstein revelations have unleashed a firestorm of copycat accusations ... most, likely true, but some opportunistic. Human nature being what it is, sex is always the imp hiding in many garden parties. This imp can be malignant as in the Harvey Weinstein case ... or just coquettish ... which is to suggest that this imp is not always male.

I have no idea where on the spectrum of sexual by-play Roy Moore's actions fell all those many decades ago ... nor, truthfully, does the Washington Post nor Mitch McConnell ... nor certainly  Sean Hannity's advertisers. So why not let the people of Alabama ... the ones who know him best ... decide if Judge Moore is too big for his britches?


  1. See today's Boston Globe editorial. They point out that Massachusetts repeatedly elected a Senator who was accused of causing a woman's death. They agreed with Pat Buchanan. I agree too. If voters elect a guy who is unfit for office, they get what they deserve.

    1. My parakeet would not let me retrieve the Globe from the bottom of his cage.

      Interesting fact: Roy Moore was a Democrat when these incidents supposedly took place (1978). He didn't become a Republican until 15 years later.

    2. The point is your parakeet is more biased than the Globe.
      Wait... are you saying that a trans-politician who once assaulted teenagers should get a pass if he becomes GOP?

    3. I'm saying that if Moore did as accused, it might because he WAS a Dem. ... what's the term ... modus operandi?
