Monday, October 09, 2017

October 12, 1492

This is the date that Christopher Columbus first made landfall on San Salvador in the Bahama islands ... a little over two months after he had set sail for India (August 3rd) from Spain ... the start of over five centuries of massive change for both good and evil. Had he been more timid, I suspect we still would be here ... but he wasn't and so should be remembered. The progressives (really, regressives) who blame Columbus for all the bad and none of the good that followed this courageous act ... they clearly are the pitiable  slopeheads.


  1. Slopehead: a racial slur for a chinaman.
    Your shit detecting editor clearly did not show up for his shift.

    1. Slopehead = Neanderthal ... or Zippy ... in my book

  2. So an Italian sponsored by Spain was heading to India so we celebrate his landfall that never was more than islands, then we named two continents after the guy that made the map. Makes sense... Pass the lasagna!

    1. And in return for our giving them smallpox, they gave us syphilis ...
