Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Massachusetts Senatot Elizabeth Warren (aka, Lie-a-watha) has a reputation for stretching the truth ... like when she claimed to be part Indian to garner a law professorship at UPenn and then later at Harvard. Since then, she has parlayed this fake ethnicity into becoming the senior senator from the Bay State ... but has quietly dropped this native-American fantasy.

Now she is reveling in make-believe once again ... claiming to have been sexually harassed as a "baby law professor" in Texas. Her story was first unraveled in the Boston Globe of all places and now is fully exposed for her mendacity in the Boston Herald.

Like many of Warren's breathless pronouncements, this story smacks of hyperbole (or lies, if it were Trump). Her sexual "predator" clearly didn't chase her around the desk ... he was much older and had had polio. She clearly was not "shaking" because she joked about this incident when she lauded him at his funeral. All in all, Lie-a-watha wanted to jump again onto the "me too" self-promotional bandwagon. She is clearly a poseur all the way to the top feather on her war bonnet.

To be  fair, it's not that Senator Warren may not have some good ideas ... but when her initial heritage premise was a fraud ...  followed up by her additional fake grandstandings ... somehow she loses quite a bit of her luster.


  1. As i recall it, Warren said that an elder in the family told tales of someone in the family tree mating with a native American that could have produced one of their forebears.

    And a hand on the knee plus an offer to help her could have been interpreted as sexual harassment.

    Her 'lies' are really not a BFD IMHO.

    1. But she used this squishy rumor as fact in order to get a job at UPenn. This is the sin.

    2. It was commonly passed around our family that we were descendants of Erik The Red. If it would have gotten me a job, I'd have put it on my resume. (However, "Raping and Pillaging" is not often found in hi tech job descriptions).

    3. I suspect half of Ireland is descendent of Eric the Red.

  2. She should be on that ancestry research show to see what is revealed.

    1. Howie Carr has repeatedly offered to pay for her DNA test ... [crickets]

  3. It should not be too hard to get a saliva sample from a water glass or coffee cup she used.

    1. Do you believe that the Boston Globe would believe the result? There would be a chain of evidence problem.

  4. She should do the DNA swab after Trump shows us his taxes, (which might show his massive debt to Russian companies).

    1. And after Obama shows us his college transcripts?
