Monday, October 23, 2017


President Trump's Chief of Staff, General Kelly, is a racist according to Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC. This, according to O'Donnell,  is not only because he called red cowboy-hatted Representative Frederica Wilson an "empty barrel" (makes a lot of noise) but also because Kelly grew up around Boston, is Irish and a Catholic ... see: "The Five" Video.

Interestingly, O'Donnell is also an Irish Catholic who grew up in Boston ... as were JFK, RFK, all that generation of Kennedys, Ray Flynn, Conan O'Brien, John Kerry (once a year on St. Patrick's Day), Kevin White, Marty Walsh, Cardinal Cushing, Ben Affleck, Whitey and Billy Bulger, James Curley, Senator Ed Markey, John L. Sullivan, Tip O'Neill, Mary McGrory, and so on and on. They all must be or have been racists and should be shunned or have their histories expunged.

No? Can't be? Then it must be that Lawrence O'Donnell made a prejudicial comment and is another self-loathing sufferer of Irishophobia.

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