Sunday, October 22, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which from Politico?

Trump to allow release of secret JFK assasination files ...

Fed Chair Yellen says low inflation this year is an unexplainable 'surprise'

Lawyer: How Mueller tried to entrap me ...

[Lou] Dobbs: Uranium One may turn out to be the biggest scandal in American political history

Trump nominees show up for work without waiting for Senate approval

CIA director: ISIS still 'enormous threat' despite its battlefield setbacks

Students love Trump's tax plan -- when they think it's Bernie's!

Sweden politicians want to deploy Army to no-go zones

Ryan: Tax plan will include higher bracket for the rich

House committee closes in on firm behind Trump Dossier

Bill [Clinton] met with Putin just before uranium deal ...

UK socialized medicine: No surgery for smokers

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