Saturday, October 07, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which from Politico?

Democrats accuse Trump of 'sabotage' on Obamacare sign-ups

The 'noose' discovered in a Michigan State dormitory was somebody's lost shoelace

Google accused of racketeering: 'Pattern of trade secret theft' ...

Study: 73 percent of DACA illegal aliens live in low income households

Trump rolls back Obamacare birth control mandate

FBI issues warning on black identity extremists

Antifa plans nationwide 'Deface Columbus Day' ...

Survey: 9% of Yale professors conservative

Congressional baseball shooter was 'casing' field days before attack

California can now jail people for misusing gender pronouns

Hurricane weekend, Nate takes aim at Gulf [of Mexico]

[Hollywood on Weinstein] 'He's old, washed-up, and no longer useful'

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