Monday, October 30, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which from The Daily Caller?

Trump team response to Russia news: Focus on Clinton, leaks, anything

Vegas security guard sequestered in MGM hotel ...

The Guardian: Rise of free-thinking LGBT conservatives is 'troubling'

Cop fired for wearing confederate underwear get $55,000 settlement

Capitol Hill's sexual harassment policy stacked against victims

City of  Hate: Rash of 'knockout attacks' has NYC on edge ...

Jerry Brown warns California Republicans not to vote for tax reform

Icelandic voter give center-left opposition narrow margin in parliament

Flake retirement could help GOP save the Senate

House panel secures access to [Fusion GPS] bank records ...

WaPo: Congress has special U.S. Treasury fund to payout sexual harassment victims

Tropical storm Philippe bears down on Cuba, the Bahamas -- and threatens South Florida

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