Saturday, October 14, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which from Politico.

Trump will scrap critical Obamacare subsidy

Billionaire Tesla CEO reveals he owns two gas cars and one is his 'first love'

Bannon bombshell: Trump has 30% chance of survival!

[AG] Sessions calls out asylum racket, demands reform from Congress

Trump sparks new backlash after threatening Puerto Rican aid

FBI looking into Puerto Rican officials withholding hurricane relief

Congres warned: NKorean EMP [electro-magnetic pulse] would kill '90% of Americans' ...

Hollywood rape culture: Oscar-winner [Emma] Thompson says harassment 'endemic'

House passes second massive disaster [relief] package

Another quake rattles North Korean nuclear testings grounds

Evacuations widen as CA wildfires spread ...

USA withdraws from UNESCO over anti-Israel bias

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