Monday, October 02, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which from Politico?

Tillerson: U.S. in direst communication with North Korea

'She's not participating' Exclusive: Fellow Puerto Rico mayor rips San Juan mayor

[ISIS] Carnage in Canada ... U-Haul truck slams pedestrians in horror attack ...

State Department does not recognize Kurdistan independence vote

Trump's upbeat Puerto Rico rhetoric clashes with reality on the ground

San Juan mayor [had] praised convicted FALN terrorist

[Muslim] Knifeman shot dead in Marseilles station after attacking passengers ...

Schumer: During our negotiations Trump said, 'OK, we won't do the wall'

Price was not a player in the Obamacare repeal

Spanish police fire rubber bullets at Catalans pushing for independence

NBA tells players to stand ...

Trump playing catch-up: White House orders comprehensive review of China policy

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