Saturday, September 09, 2017

Not Good

Lil Kim

It seems that the entire population of the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, as many as 2.6 million people, have either left town or are hiding underground ... see: Business Insider Story.

This can't be good ...

Afterward: See comments. This is not a current event and I have been  careless and hoodwinked (thank heaven). I may eventually take this entry down. Sorry.


  1. Well... The video is from May 2016 so it shows nothing imminent. What if this was filmed just after dawn (4:53 AM in Pyongyang on that date)? You wouldn't see much moving around Boston at 5:30 AM on a Sunday.

    1. Thanks for your investigative nsight. I, along with many UK papers, was taken in by this video. I wasn't skeptical enough ... like you. Can I breath again?

  2. You can breath again. What with actual fire and smoke and floods and winds to deal with, Kim seems like a baby with a dirty diaper.

  3. Thank you for acknowledging that some easy investigative insight can soften your alarming story.
