Friday, September 08, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which ones from Politico?

Kelly trades West Wing neophytes for Washington insiders

Hillary openly wonders about divorce from Bill in next memoir

[Irma,] Strongest Atlantic hurricane ever ...

Trump says China wants to 'de-nuke' N.Korea after call to Xi Jinping

Trump's flirtation with Democrats makes Republicans nervous about 2018

Exclusive: Did indicted IT aide want Capitol police to find Wasserman Schultz's laptop

College activists march on cafeteria for hydroponic cilantro ...

Michael Moore: Take DACA protests 'to the streets'

Border security may be key to saving Dreamers

NBC News falsely publishes piece stating Senator on trial for corruption is a Republican

Update: Southern Poverty [Law Center] has $69M parked overseas ...

Tucker: Amnesty fans 'want worldwide rule by unaccountable technocrats'

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