Tuesday, September 05, 2017


All from Internet news items. Guess which from Politico?

Trump has decided to end DACA with 6-month delay

Anti-Trump 'resistance' groups siding with North Korea

Study: Americans work harder than any other country's citizens ...

Man dies at Burning Man by running into fire

Cruz: U.S. response to [NKorea] threat requires greater missile defense

Jim Crow: Segregation-loving Ivy League students demand separate-but-equal dorms

Japan princess giving up royal status to marry commoner ...

Trump, Mnuchin threaten Chine with trade sanctions after North Korea nuke test

Trump mulling withdrawal from [South] Korea trade deal

Texas sheriff warns looters that they could end up 'In a beg

Box Office: Labor Day weekend collapse ...

Report: Cara Netanyahu to be indicted within ten days

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