Sunday, September 03, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which from Politico.

Republicans crank up pressure on Trump to not scrap DACA

Menendez gets off to the worst possible start with his trial judge

Record lows set as Fall-like chill hits East, South ...

CA Dem Rep: I would oppose Mother's Day if Trump endorsed it

Border wall contractor once paid $3 million to settle federal fraud investigation

WH doesn't worry about negative polls, Sanders calls them 'silly'

New health attack on US diplomats in Cuba ...

2 St. Louis cops shot

Freedom caucus head opposes shutdown over wall, for now

Paul Ryan wants Congress to legalize DACA recipients

70% of youths not fit to serve in military -- obese, drugs, criminal records ...

China: Jail sentences for 'disrespecting' national anthem

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