Friday, September 29, 2017


All from internet news sites. Guess which from Politico?

Moore's win conjures 2018 nightmare -- for both parties

EXCLUSIVE: Chelsea's 'best friend' wins $11 mil in defense contracts with no clearance

UK threatens US with trade war ...

Solution to NFL mess: Owners, unions tell players, 'You're killing the Golden Goose'

Trump: NFL owners are scared of their players

Rush: Moore's victory shows that Trumpism is a lot bigger than Trump

Global airport chaos 'after computers systems crash ...

Ann Coulter: When life gives you Paul Ryan make lemonade

Poll: Voters skeptical of Feinsten's reelection bid

White House tells Congress it will cap migrant admissions at 45,000

FBI Director: Terrorist drones coming ...

WAT: Jared Kushner registered to vote as a woman

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