Monday, September 25, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which from Politico?

Tom Price to halt tax-payer funded travel on private jets

Entire Ravens, Jaguars squads kneel for US national anthem at London game

Merkel seeks fourth term as Germany votes ...

Rove on NFL protests: Trump will be walking away from this a loser ...

Graham: We're going to get the votes next week

Rand Paul on Graham-Cassidy: I'd vote for it at pre-Obama spending levels

Rocket carrying top secret payload launches from Vandenberg ...

[Trump] Admits he will back Roy Moore if he wins Alabama primary

Poll: Majority of Americans see Trump as divisive

Australia starts shipping refuges to U.S. as part of Obama deal

Auditor claims Vatican axed him after probing illegal activities ...

Apple has shed $50 billion -- more than eBay, Target or Ford -- since it unveiled new IPhone

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