Monday, September 18, 2017


All ftom Internet news sites. Guess which from Politico?

Trump takes on Bannon in Alabama Senate showdown

Weaponizing sound: Could sonic devices have injured [U.S.] diplomats in Cuba?

Iran claims to have 'Father of all Bombs' ....

Hungary builds wall, cuts illegal immigration by over 99%

The Left warns Pelosi, Schumer: Don't get too close to Trump

Pittsburgh's self-driving car boom means $200,000 pay packages for robotics grads

Montana snow 60 days early ...

Bill Maher: None of Trump's properties were damaged by Irma -- 'There is no God'

Cassidy says he is close to having the votes for passing Obamacare repeal

Suffolk Downs, Flower Exchange viewed as possible Amazon [Boston] HQ site

WSJ: Trump will NOT withdraw from Paris climate deal

Report: Former Wasserman Schultz staffer allegedly uploaded DNC data to private dropbox

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